Worship Ministries
We invite you to share your gifts and talents to make St. Michael’s worship a place for God’s community.

Our Episcopal worship comes from a rich history of meaning that guides us into the fullness of our Christian faith. The richness of this journey comes from the full participation of the entire congregation.
Whether it is participating with the spoken words in the liturgy, in the music, participating before the service as Altar Guild, in the service as Acolytes, Chalice Bearer, Lectors, Intercessors and Ushers…all are important in preparing to worship God. We invite you to share your gifts and talents to make St. Michael’s worship a place for God’s community.
Please speak to the rector to get involved.
This ministry is fundamental to our worship and includes members from age 9 through 70+! Acolytes serve as crucifer, Gospel Carrier, torch bearers. Acolytes assist the clergy with the reading of the Gospel and in preparation for the Eucharist. They also get to ring the bells!
Chalice Bearers
Eucharistic Ministers, also called Chalice Bearers, assist the clergy by offering the cup during communion.
Lectors, or readers, serve in the worship service by reading our scripture lessons and Psalms for the day. They prepare by reading and practicing so that their proclamation of the Word is heard and understood by all.
An Intercessor is one who prays on behalf of another or others. The term may indicate one who leads the prayers of the people, which are prayers of intercession. Jesus is known as the heavenly intercessor who prays for us.
Our ushers welcome people and offer materials, such as bulletin and program inserts. They provide any assistance for new comers and offer a friendly welcome. Our ushers bring forward the offerings during the service, and assures the service is a comfortable environment for all participants.