During the Services

Our services depend on participation by our members.
There are lots of ways to be part of the action.
If you would like to be part of one of these ministries, please contact the rector.


Lectors read our scripture lessons and lead the psalm during our services. They prepare by reading and practicing so that their proclamation of the word is heard and understood.


Intercessors lead the Prayers of the People during our services.

Chalice Bearers

Chalice Bearers assist the clergy by offering the cup during communion.


Acolytes assist the clergy with the reading of the Gospel and in preparation for the Eucharist. They also get to ring the bells! This is an important ministry for our young people.


Ushers welcome people and offer materials (leaflets & bulletins), guidance (to seats & childcare), and a friendly face. They are the first point of contact for visitors.

Before & After Services

There are things to do to get ready for services
and after services are finished. 

Flower Ministry

Flowers grace our altar each week to the glory of God. Our flower ministers make sure this happens.

Altar Guild

Members of the Altar Guild prepare for each of our services and make sure all is ready and waiting for the clergy. We can't do without them!


The "sipping sacrament" ~ coffee and a little nosh ~ provides an important opportunity to share our lives with one another. This time is hosted by volunteers after each service. You can sign up in Yeaton Hall.